EngSurf-Twin is a three-year Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union Research and Innovation programme under the Grant Agreement number 952289. It is aimed to overcome some of the main challenges in engineered surfaces and films with adoption of functionalised nanostructured materials, functional metal oxide films and surfaces for technological applications and practices, especially concerning the engineered nano-assemblies, metal oxide nanostructure arrays, for advanced chemical sensors’ design and application. The excellence in the field will be achieved by embedding the project coordinator Selcuk University in a network of excellence, which will be provided by the existing strong twinning partners – the Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research Centre at the Trinity College of Dublin (AMBER) from Ireland and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) from Italy.

EngSurf-Twin’s main objective is boost SU’s scientific excellence and raise the research profile as well as generation of intellectual property/know-how, research management and administration and SU’s capability to transfer appropriate technology to industry in the field of engineered surfaces and films.

SO1: Strengthen the institutional, scientific and technological research capacity of SU on engineered surfaces and films through short-term and long-term staff visits, extensive on-site training (WP2), workshops, summer schools and seminars (WP2, WP3) by linking with leading partner institutions AMBER and FBK:

SO2: Stimulate SU staff’s research profile to promote scientific excellence through networking activities, mentoring and strategy development (WP2), jointly writing papers on peer reviewed journals (WP3) and increasing the soft skills of the ESR’s via increasing project proposal development and project managements skills (WP2, WP3) and integrate of SU’s research staffs to networks of excellence within Europe:

SO3: Increase the visibility, reputation and dissemination capacity of SU by making it attractive regional hub of attraction through international conference/workshop organisation attendances (WP3), public outreach and awareness meetings (WP5), and smart specialised University (WP4):

SO4: Promote the exploitation of project results and foster stakeholder, academy and industry partnership in EngSurf-Twin disciplines by networking activities through extensive visits to stakeholders (WP4), industry outreach and seminars given by international experts (WP4):

Work Package 1: Project management

Leader: SU, Turkey

To coordinate the project’s networking, monitor their progress, manage financial aspects, milestones and deliverables in time manner and ensure good project success management relationships with Commission. Impact assessment strategy and monitoring throughout the project are also core activities of WP1

Work Package 2: Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building

Leader: TCD, Ireland

-To increase research excellence and innovation capacity in the field of engineered surfaces and films for technological applications

-To raise SU’s research staff with appropriate skills in order to allow them to work at different technology readiness levels (between 3 and 8).

Work Package 3: Networking and visibility – scientific community

Leader: FBK, Italy

-To effectively stimulate visibility of SU to scientific community through the establishment of a sustainable collaborative network with the twinning partners,

-To maximize of potential research benefits from the experienced scientists and exchange of know-how and experience within the scientific community

Work Package 4: Networking and visibility – industry

Leader: TCD, Ireland

-To improve EngSurf-Twin quality and visibility to industry by linking with industry and end users

Work Package 5: Dissemination and Outreach activities

Leader: SU, Turkey

-To inform academics, public and industry in regional and national level on the EngSurf-Twin

-To transfer of knowledge and engagement (including data management plan) with the society and in particular with the non-expert audience


Boosting innovation capacity in engineered surfaces and films for emerging technologies